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Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter!

Getting my first peak at what the Easter Bunny brought me...hey, isn't this supposed to be an Easter basket?...not an Easter bucket?!?! 
After our church service, we had another Easter egg hunt. It was nice and sunny, but as you can see from our winter wear, it was FREEZING cold! The wind chill today was in the 30's...WAY too cold for Easter!
Our old neighbors, Mark and Michelle, invited us for Easter lunch at her parents house. And interestingly enough, this is where Mom and Dad spent their first Thanksgiving in NY, so it was only fitting that they spent their last big holiday in the same place. Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy have always been so nice to welcome us into their home. We always feel like family at their house. There were kids galore and the big boys, Jack and Andrew, helped chase me around and make sure I didn't go where I wasn't supposed to. I even go to sit at the kid table with all of the boys. The food was really good, but since there were 2 other boys my age, we didn't sit at the table for too long! We had too much playing to do.
Hanging with my buddy Connor!
ANOTHER egg hunt! After finding a few eggs, I decided to throw down my basket and play with the basket ball instead. I think I've hunted enough eggs this week!

This has been such a fun filled day, but is it time to go home for a nap yet?

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