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Monday, April 27, 2009

The Boy is better and Summer is here!

After a rough weekend for all of us, Luke is much better :) Yea!  He was feeling better by Saturday, but by then Jeremy had caught whatever this was... And wouldn't you know it, by Sunday afternoon, I was catching this nasty cold! So much for close quarters! To add insult to injury, we went from cold spring days last week to summer conditions overnight and since we have no a/c, it was brutal on Saturday when it got up to 88 degrees (although our thermometer out front said it was 105!). Luke has decided that it is very fun to wear his "eyes" this year. "Eyes" have a double meaning in Luke language: Eyes= well, eyes, but they also mean eyeglasses. 
Luke's new phrase for the day is "choo choo are you?"  He loves ANY thing that has to do with transportation, i.e., truck, trains (aka: choo choo), car, and BUS! Just a few weeks ago EVERY thing was a Bus, but now he is branching out and calling a truck, a truck and a bus, a bus. Well, today he took it a step further and is now asking "Choo choo {where} are you?" (but he deletes the {where} and just says "choo choo are you?" Since we have the window open to get some breeze through the house, we can hear the trains at the bottom of the hill, so every time he heard one it was "choo choo are you?" It was TOO funny and cracked me up every time

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