Blog Background

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Check out my new do!....

Whooo's hair cut day for me and daddy! We went down the street to Zinie's salon while Mom and Annie went shopping. Side note: Check out my back molars- they are HUGE! (p.s. if you're wondering...that's a fruit loop in my mouth.)

I sat in the chair all by myself today and got a much needed big boy hair cut! Mom wants to know where all my hair went!

Friday, February 27, 2009

This is my new favorite web site!!! All you do is type in the words that you want and it puts them in these funky shapes. It is awesome! I did this one really quickly to describe, what else?, Luke. You can play around with fonts, colors, and layouts. The possibilities are endless. It's so much fun! I feel a scrapbook page coming on ;) Happy Friday everyone!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Rock On!!!...

Do you think I am past due for a hair cut or what?...

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

New Tent and New Table

Check out my new gifts from IKEA! Mom and Dad said that these were part of my birthday presents, but that is still 3 months away. I guess we are starting the celebrations early! I love to hang out in my new tent. It even has the cool mesh windows and yes, even Mom and Dad fit, but we can't all 3 be in here at once. It is just a two seater! I love to shut the doors, but only if someone else is in there with me.

We also got a new table and chairs. Mom and Dad thought I needed a new place to do my coloring. We got two more red chairs, but we are not putting them together yet because of the space issue. This is now where I eat, too. No more high chair for me! It has been a little bit of an adjustment now that I can come and go as I please while I eat, but I am sure I will get the hang of it soon. 

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Most recent layout

I made this scrapbook page for Luke's baby album after  he went to sleep tonight. Time is passing TOO quickly and these pictures show just how much he has grown! My little baby boy isn't as much of a baby anymore :(

No TV update...

Just a quick update re: our little experiment (see post below)... we made it a whole week with NO TV! It really wasn't as bad as it sounds at all and Luke only pointed to the TV a few times and when he did we just re-directed him to some other activity. It was really just an adjustment for us b/c we had lost somewhat of a "baby sitter." We are not going to be crazy strict about it and we will probably let him watch one show every other day or something. The TV just won't be an EVERY day occurrence. Also, he hasn't missed the toys we put away one bit. He plays with what he has and I have to say that it has really helped with the clutter too! (P.S. Do you think Luke is getting too big for his britches? I think it's time for some new sweat pants :) Haha!

Friday, February 20, 2009

Out numbered....

Since when did we get out numbered?.....3 mommies to 4 kids!!! (Baby Braydon is hiding behind his sister in a DOUBLE stroller)

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

It's time for an intervention (Dad's post for the day)....

Jessica and I were truly blessed when God gave us Luke. He is the best baby in the world. Well, he's not really a baby anymore, he's our little man. Luke does this thing were when he is dirty or when he has something on him that he wants off, he will call for mamma until it is cleaned off. When he calls for mamma in this "clean-up tone" it has a particular sound to it and we know to come running and bring clean-up utensils. Well, I wake up to this, "Mamma, Mamma, Mamma," coming from the crib and what do i find when i enter the room? Luke had gotten into the diaper bag and well, I will let the pictures speak for themselves. 

         Wonder what this does?

I know where this goes. 
I see mommy do it all the time.

Maybe if I put my finger in there, I can get it better.
  (which he did)

Want some daddy? 
I think this color would look good on you.

Now to add a glossy finish.

HELP, I need uncle Kyle to come up here so we can give Luke an intervention for Trish McEvoy 

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

White Post Farm

Today Mom and I made the trek out to Long Island, NY with a few of my hommies from church (and their mommies). It was a beautiful sunny day, but it felt like 19 degrees when we left the house at 9am this morning. Thankfully, White Post farm moves some of it's attractions and their animals inside, so during the winter months, there is still tons to do and we can run around and play out of the cold.
Gotta love being surrounded by all of these girls!
I LOVED feeding the goats and sheep, I tried to give them the pellets, but all they wanted was the ice cream cone that they came in.
We even got to feed some of the goats and sheep a bottle of milk. Even Mom got in on some of the action.
We all got to ride this cool choo choo train that passed by a huge bubble maker.
Who's got the keys to the Jeep?....Maybe,I will get to Europe one day, so I can practice driving on the "wrong" side of the car again.
Ah, playing in the dirty sand...I can't wait to play in the beautiful sand at Gulf Shores this summer!!!
Check out my chick magnet car!....what toddler can resist a red Mickey Mouse Car? I gotta get me one of these!
They even had a make and take craft: Paint your own pet rock. I LOVE to paint and much to my Mom's surprise, I didn't make too much of a mess!
Aaarg....get me outta this pink house....there is way too much estrogen in here!....
We started and ended the day by watching the chickens put on a song and dance show. 
No day would be complete with out a snack/lunch break. All in all it was a wonderful day. I can't wait to bring Daddy back once it gets a little warmer. I was fast asleep as soon as we pulled out of the parking lot and slept the whole ride home.

An experiment...

At the urging of both my mother and grandmother, I decided to look up a few books by Dr. John Rosemond, a Christian family psychologist. After reading the first two chapters of the book, Making the Terrible Two's Terrific, Jeremy and I decided to make some executive decisions and do two experiments this week. The first one was to take a lot of the toys away that he doesn't seem to play with. The author suggests that if kids at this age have too many toy choices, they get bored and over stimulated and can't choose. It's just too overwhelming for them. So, you can see how many toys we were able to put away for this experiment. Yesterday, Jeremy got out ALL of his toys and put up the ones that Luke never went over to "play" with. We don't have a huge place, but you can see just how much he has accumulated over his first year and a half! The second experiment is shocking, I know, but we are doing NO tv this week, not even Sesame Street. Dr.Rosemond suggests that the tv wastes little one's minds and really should be limited. Now, we were not watching tv all day, but probably 2- 30 min shows (word world and mickey's playhouse) and 1-60 min show (Sesame st.) GASP, yes, I thought it would be hard for us, but after taking a lot of his toys away (he still has PLENTY to play with mind you) he has asked us to read more books and color, and he is loving his sorting blocks set, that was lost in the mix of his other toys before. Dr. Rosemond is a no non-sense, down to Earth, COMMON sense writer that I really appreciate right now. Like for example, he said that kids around 2 years don't understand the word "Don't." For example, when I say "Don't throw your food on the floor." all he hears is "Blah, Blah, throw your food!" So in turn I now say "No, eat your food." Like, I said totally common sense, but hey, this is new territory for both us and Luke. I highly recommend to anyone with little kids. I will post with up dates later this week.  

(These are all of the toys we put away for the time being. It's a TON!)

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Some of my LOVE's on V Day :)

I haven't let go of these balloons since Daddy brought them home last night. I LOVE me some balloons :)
Mom thought it was time to get some more hand prints, for scrapbooking purposes, of course! But, I didn't mind one bit. In fact, the was the first time I really got into it. I LOVE getting dirty! Yes,  this is the mess that is our den. It gets cleaned up at least twice a day only to end up right back like this by bed time. I LOVE making messes!
We drove to Jersey today for one purpose: Chick-fil-A. I LOVE me some Chick-fil-A!!! I can eat a whole kids meal by myself, well, all of the nuggets and then a few of the fries, but I will only eat it if I have some ketchup! It is my new favorite condiment... I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE ketchup.
And finally, I LOVE my mom's strawberry cup cakes with vanilla frosting and funfetti on top. Have a very Happy Valentine's day!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Mondays are Daddy Days

Since Mondays are Daddy day care days...where do we spend our Monday mornings? guessed it....the Library. It just so happens that my age group story hour is on Monday mornings and even if the past few times I have been a little shy, I LOVE it. We sing songs and read books. It's great. And since, it was a little warmer this past Monday (we almost hit 50 degrees- whooo hoooo- heat wave), we decided to go to one of the parks by the river. 
At this end of the park, there is a 9-11 memorial. Doesn't the flag look so vibrant against the blue sky? 
Can you see NYC and the Empire state building in the distance over my left shoulder? 
Mom tried to be a little artsy and do some effects to the picture since it was a little under exposed. Check out how it makes Dad's Alabama hat stand out. Oh yeah, and see how close the train tracks are.... Every time a train went past I would say "Choo Choo." What a fun day!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Stew Leonard's and Danny DeVito

On Saturday, Danny DeVito was at Stew Leonard's store signing his new bottles of Limonchello, so we decided to brave the line and get our pic with him. This is one of the cool opportunities that we will miss when we leave--- there are always TONS of cool things go and do ALL the time. Now a little more about Stew's... It is a grocery store of sorts, but has some unique things about it. For one thing, you start at the beginning and it kind of winds around in a zig zag pattern and you really can only go one way, so you better grab the things you need when you see them. Try going back for something and it is nearly impossible to go against the flow.
Luke LOVES the Chiquita banana lady who sings and dances. We have to stop here every time for a few songs.
There is also a cow trio over by the dairy sections, where again we have to stop and dance along with them for at least a few minutes.
This is by far the BEST place in town to buy milk. They have a dairy farm and the milk is always SO fresh. 
A glimpse around one of the corners... see how everyone is heading in the same general direction.
And, the best part about Stew's is that if you spend over $100 (which is easy to do), you get a free ice cream and who doesn't love that?

Friday, February 6, 2009

Dancing the Hot Dog Dance

At the end of every Mickey Mouse Play House episode, they do a hot dog dance and Luke decided to do his own version this morning during Daddy Day care. Don't worry about his little mishap in the middle (you will see what I mean when you get there), Luke dusts himself off and keeps going. Have a hot diggity dog day! :)

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Update on Project 365

I decided to take the Project 365 challenge (taking and documenting through a picture a day the everyday beauty of our life). So far so good, I have been keeping up with it and the hardest part is that I end of taking more than one picture each day. It is so hard to choose which one will make the cut. Here is how the first month has turned out. (You may recognize some of the pictures because if it is blog worthy, it is probably P365 worthy as well.) It is so much fun documenting all of the little things that usually go unnoticed and I think it will be a great time capsule for Luke one day.