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Saturday, February 11, 2012

Too Late for Happy New Year?

Happy Twenty Twelve!!!! Hahaha! Yep, we are over two months in to 2012 and I am just now blogging since well before Thanksgiving! Oh well, that's the way it goes, I guess. We have been super busy and I just haven't felt like putting forth the effort, but after some urging from Jeremy, I will TRY to put some pics up semi-regularly ;) Lots of fun things have been going on and I would like to say that I will go back and recap, Thanksgiving, Christmas, NOLA/BCS championship, and everything in between, but for now... I much get back to living this crazy little life of ours!


christy gale said...

What cuties! Glad you posted that! They look so cute in their party clothes!

anniemetcalfe said...

FINALLY!!!!!!!!!! I miss my little love bugs faces!!!!!