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Monday, May 23, 2011

Baby Dedication!

This past Sunday, Lucy was dedicated at our church along with 17 other babies. What made the day even more special was the fact that Lucy and her cousin Collin were dedicated on the same day! Lucy is 2 and a half months old and Collin is almost 6 months old

Having a girl to dress up is so much fun, so I had to take a million pictures. Here are a few of my favorites. I love that her dress and bonnet were adorned with pearls and that she had a pearl bracelet to match!

Lucy with her beautiful Mimi!

Luke is still the sweetest big brother and had to get in on the mini photo shoot!

Jeremy and I thank God every day for these two little blessings in our lives!


Jerm said...

Love this pics. Our babies are so cute.

Jerm said...

I'm sorry, our baby girl is so cute and our young man is very hansome.

christy gale said...

I agree with Jerm they are adorable, they must take after the Payne's side. HA HA. Love, Aunt C.

Holli said...

Jess, they are so precious! Is't it fun getting Lucy all dressed up?! I have had fun with that too! Kendall's problem now is she won't wear a bow! You picture your little girl with these big bows and she pulls them out! We are working on it though, so hopefully soon! Hope you guys are good!