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Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Halloween 2012!

After much coaxing and comments from my dear husband, I have returned to the blogging world! I don't make too many promises, but here's a new post since an 8 months hiatus. So much has happened and rather than focus on the past, I will try to hit the most recent highlights... Halloween 2012 was a blast! Luke chose to be a fireman and because I never found a Dalmatian costume for Lucy and because I already had the pumpkin costume, Lucy by default was a pumpkin! Sorry Kid, second child and all! I tried to get the one perfect shot of them and it just never happened, I guess because I have the two busiest kids in the world. But here they are in all their glory! Luke was an old pro at the whole trick or treating thing and you would have thought Lucy had been doing it all her life! She filled up her bag as quickly as Luke did! Happy Halloween, Y'all!


christy gale said...

I love it! Y'all look so cute!

Elizabeth M. Saunders said...

Love these kiddos! (And you and Jerm!)

Annie said...

hey - that comment isn't from me... what's going on!!!! french sales stuff - yikes - feel free to delete I found some spmamy comments on my blog too

I love that you're posting... keep it up for your dear old friend up NORTH