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Friday, November 16, 2012

My Life in Minutes

*Disclaimer Alert: This post is only text and I really just wanted to document a day in the life for posterity's sake, but if you have nothing better to do or you are my mother or sister or grandmother, enjoy!

 Wednesday November 14, 2012

 5:45am- I hear Lucy crying up stairs…a few moments later…I am thinking to myself oh, thank goodness she went back to sleep and I close my eyes for what feel like 3 seconds.

 6:15am- alarm goes off for the first time. Push the snooze for 7 more minutes of shut eye.

 6:22am- alarm goes off for the second time.- want to push snooze again , but there’s too much to do today!. Off to shower and get ready for work.

 7:10am-Leave the house for work, rest of the house is sleeping away and because the coffee maker wakes up Lucy, I leave with no coffee! Argh!

 7:26am- Finally arrive at work, usually it only takes me 10 minutes when I typically leave around 810ish. But today I had to get there by 7:30am because of Luke’s program. See two patients.

 8:40am-Clock out of work and head back across town to Mary B Austin.

 8:56am- Barely make it to the school to see my “baby” get his first quarter A honor roll achievement award! He was so proud and kept his eye on me the whole time. SO glad I made it!

 9:16am-Kindergarteners call outs were over, Lucy and Jeremy made it just in time to see all of them process out and we follow Luke back to his room for a few pictures before we left.

 9:17am- I ride with Jeremy to drop Lucy off at MDO while sipping on a fresh cup of coffee made by my sweet husband! He knew just what I needed! I love that man. We drop off Lucy and he takes me back to my car as we both head our separate ways to work.

 9:35am- On my way back to work, I stop by the store to get some towels for all of our guests coming into town for Thanksgiving next week, but they don’t have any I like. Bummer.

 10:17am- Make it back across town to clock in at work for the second time. This time I see my three remaining patients and realize that I have just enough time to squeeze in a few errands before picking Lucy back up! 1

2:06pm- clock out!

 12:12pm- Run in at CVS to get the cereal that’s on sale b/c I have a coupon, only to find out they are sold out. On to my next errand.

 12:20pm- Run in to Dirt Cheap to get some Thanksgiving stuff and left with some Turkey napkins, Turkey plates, and 4 fancy non-breakable children’s melamine plates for Thanksgiving day for under $15!

 12:40pm – Leave DC

 12:50pm- Run in CVS by church to get the cereal and THEY were sold out too! Ugh!

 12:53pm-Pick up Lucy from MDO room and she was happy when we left, but by the time we got to the car she realized that she was out of juice in her sippy cup and she went into serious melt down mode! Kicking, screaming, crying,,,…I almost couldn’t get her into her car seat and she cried real tears all the way home.

 1:07pm- Pull into carport with still crying baby, fill up her cup with fresh water and take her straight to her bed.

 1:10pm- Lay her in bed still crying, she is in a serious frenzy and SO AM I by this point.

 1:14pm- Lucy has stopped crying praise the Lord! I put my oh so yummy crock pot potato soup in the microwave! As my lunch is warming, I Change out of my nasty nursing home scrubs, unload the dish washer, and tidy up the kitchen area from breakfast during Daddy day care before school this morning!

1:16pm- Microwave beeps and Lucy start crying again and I try not to cuss!

 1:19pm- Continue with putting up clean dishes and Lucy is quiet again! Praise the Lord! Ah!...time for a quiet lunch! Just me and some soup and some random TV. (Pretty sure I was flipping around and landed on QVC, but hey don’t judge, and at least I didn’t buy anything! ☺)

 1:32pm- Re-load the dishwasher with dishes from Daddy day care breakfast and my lunch.

 1:33pm- Make up bed, usually done in the early am, but hey, at least it got made! Balance the check book, catch up on emails, tidy up the up stairs, up load pictures and put up a blog post, which is saying a lot because, I haven’t done one in 8 months!

 2:47pm- I hear Lucy stirring and when I go in to get her she flashes me her big gap toothy grin and it warms my frazzled, frenzied heart! After a diaper change, I wrap up some computer stuff it is time to throw on shoes and head back out the door.

 3:01pm- Leave the house making sure that Lucy has a full sippy cup and big cup of snacks because there is no getting through carpool line without having SOME kind of snack. No snack=little miss cranky pants. Snack=nice ride in the car with my happy little diva!

 3:12pm-Make it to the end of the ever growing carpool line and talk to Mom and Liz on the phone. 

3:27pm- Luke gets in the car. He usually likes for me to check his folder but he didn’t seem that excited so I knew what that meant. (For those of you that don’t know a green happy face=good day, a yellow straight face=student needed some correction, and a red unhappy face=bad day. ) Well, today he was on the dreaded red light, which means no recess and no snack at the end of the day. His infractions were not following directions and talking when he was told not to. So now I’ve got a happy 20 month old and a cranky, hungry, exhausted 5 year old. Heaven help us. So the following sibling/mother interaction ensued: Luke took out his snack of pretzels that he had missed at snack time because he was on red and starts eating them. Just as a quick side: Daddy had packed them so this Ziploc bag of pretzels could have fed an army, mind you. Lucy proceeded to made the sign language sign for “more” telling Luke she wanted a pretzel. Luke looks at her and says “MINE.” Well, I calmly said, Luke you have plenty just give your sister one! And he said “NO” in the nastiest tone and I calmly said Luke give me the bag of pretzels. Well, I don’t know if anyone has seen a 5 year old melt down but it is one of the most horrifying sights to behold and I hope no one has to endure one! By the time we pulled up at the house, I had lost my temper, both kids were crying, and I was about to lose my ever loving mind! 

3:43pm- Longest 15 minutes of my life. Everyone takes a breather and changes clothes. Luke and Lucy put on their matching Turkey shirts/dress and were so, so cute! I set up the pack and play in the guest bedroom b/c Collin is coming home from church with Jeremy and the kids tonight. Pack Lucy’s diaper bag and fix the coffee pot for in the morning!

 4:23pm- Leave the house for Wednesday night church by way of the post office. 4

:29pm-Swing by the post office to mail a letter that should have gone out days ago, but it is what it is. Now the sign said it closed at 4:30 and the lady was just locking the door and I had Lucy on my hip and I tried to beg, but that is the post office for you. No sympathy and No mailing that piece of mail today!

 4:39pm- Pull in to the church parking lot.

 4:44pm- Make it to the dining hall and there is already a line for food. Gotta love the over 70 crowd chomping at the bit to eat during the 4 o’clock hour, but us moms with kids that have to teach choir at 5:30 need a skip to the front pass or something! ☺

 5:19pm- Clean up mashed food in the floor and spilt tea on the table, wipe faces and hands after scarfing down a surprisingly delish turkey and dressing meal! Head up stairs to take Lucy to nursery. 

5:29pm- Drop Luke off at his music class.

 5:30pm- Help Debbie Rice teach music to the 4th. 5th, and 6th graders.

 5:53pm- Skip out of Debbie’s choir a little early to hear Luke sing at the beginning of prayer meeting. 

6:05pm- Just before Luke’s class began singing, one of Luke’s teachers leaned over to me and said “I can tell that Luke really loves to sing and he is really good, too!” The kids were so cute and I just love the fact that Luke seems so comfortable up on stage! My little boy looks so big to me and I just sit and am in awe of how much he has grown and matured this fall!

 6:15pm- Jeremy and I head up stairs and I meet Liz as she is getting out of teaching the 3 year old choir.

 6:20pm- Kiss Jeremy and wish him luck because he is staying for choir and then taking our two and collin home to our house after church while Liz and I are heading for a girls night out at Christmas Jubilee!

 6:32pm- Meet liz at my house to drop off her car so we can just take one car to the fair grounds. Freshen up, Change purses, etc.

 6:46pm- Leave my house.

 7:02pm- Arrive at the Christmas Jubilee Gala preview night and had a blast. Usually Mom, Liz and I all go, but since Mom was home with what she thought was the flu, it was only Liz and me this year. We had so much fun going around to each and every booth and I actually talked Liz into going around twice! The food was catered by Georgia Russos and the food was quite good and how can you go wrong with getting to shop while you eat and drink! We only left with a few items, but it is always so much fun and I look forward to it every year!

 9:58pm- Head back home for the fourth and final time today! I had snagged Jeremy a little cup of gumbo from the gala and we all sat at the dining room table and visited for a while.

 10:42pm- Liz left the house with a sweet little groggy boy who was sound asleep only minutes ago in our guest bedroom.

 11:48pm- After catching up with Jeremy and watching a few of our dvr’d shows to unwind, I could barely keep my eyes open. As I lay my head on the pillow and reflect on the day, I am amazed at how busy the days can get and how crazy our lives are right now. My days right now are chaos and I am trying to embrace that because I know people say that these are the good old days that we are living right now. I am trying to take even the tiniest of pauses, when for example Lucy flashes me a grin and says “mommy” in her little munchkin voice or when Luke runs up and gives me a hug and says he’s sorry for not giving lucy a pretzel without me having to prompt him or getting to laugh with my sister at people we know's nonsense or when Jeremy gives me a quick kiss and looks into my eyes and I know he is thinking “we got this and everything is going to be fine.” I thank God above for all of the blessings in my life both big and small and think that even on days like these we need to Savor the good stuff!

 Thanks for reading and I promise the next blog post will have pictures! ☺

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Halloween 2012!

After much coaxing and comments from my dear husband, I have returned to the blogging world! I don't make too many promises, but here's a new post since an 8 months hiatus. So much has happened and rather than focus on the past, I will try to hit the most recent highlights... Halloween 2012 was a blast! Luke chose to be a fireman and because I never found a Dalmatian costume for Lucy and because I already had the pumpkin costume, Lucy by default was a pumpkin! Sorry Kid, second child and all! I tried to get the one perfect shot of them and it just never happened, I guess because I have the two busiest kids in the world. But here they are in all their glory! Luke was an old pro at the whole trick or treating thing and you would have thought Lucy had been doing it all her life! She filled up her bag as quickly as Luke did! Happy Halloween, Y'all!