Blog Background

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Collin is HERE!!!

Collin McDaniel Saunders was born on 11/23/10 at 5:42pm, 6 pounds 9 ounces, 20 inches long! He is a beautiful baby and I am so glad that he is here and that both Mom and baby are happy and healthy! I didn't get many pictures because I was much more interested in checking on my sis and oooo-ing and ah-ing over that precious baby! In case you can't tell, we all are in LOVE!!!

Monday, November 22, 2010

Double Belly Shot!

Today was the last chance for a double belly shot, since my baby sister was admitted to the hospital tonight so she can be induced at 6 am tomorrow morning. She is due Nov. 28th and I am due March 28th. Sending her and Kyle and baby Collin lots of good thoughts and prayers tonight and tomorrow. I can't wait to meet the newest member of the family!!!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Our Little Pilgrim!!!

Friday morning the 3 and 4 years olds had their annual Thanksgiving Program! I was super excited about it and Luke was, too! He has been practicing his songs for weeks now... He loves music class with Ms. Lori! The three years olds were Pilgrims and the 4 year olds were Indians! Mimi, Jeremy and I were there, of course, but I was so happy that all of the great grandparents, Mae Mae, Gran Jack and Gran Betty, could be there, as well!

I was so impressed by how well all of the kids processed in!

The program was precious! I was amazed by how many songs they sang! Most of the songs had hand motions and sign language with them and you could really tell how hard they have been practicing! (Luke is on the middle row, the third one in from the right.)

I was SO proud of my little man and I could tell he enjoyed it as much as we did.

After the program, it was time to head back to his school room for a Thanksgiving feast!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

TGI (almost) F!

HOORAY! It's almost Friday! I am super excited that tomorrow is Friday because Luke's class will be performing their Thanksgiving program! He has been singing his songs for weeks now and I can hardly wait see it!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

We're having a baby......

GIRL!!!!!! Luke is getting a baby SISTER!!!! Needless to say, we are beyond excited! Luke had said all along that the baby was a girl, so it was no surprise to him. I, on the other hand, thought that it might be a girl because my pregnancy has been so different from Luke's, but at the same time just thought it would be another boy. Luke went to the ultrasound with us and was excited to see the baby on the "TV's." The only thing he was interested in was seeing her eyes, which as you can tell, we can't see all that great on the ultrasounds, but he was great. I was also relieved to hear that all of her organs, heart, liver, brain, etc. all look normal and she is healthy. We are truly blessed! I thank God every day for Luke and this little miracle growing inside me!

(saw this on a fellow blogger's site and couldn't resist putting a little bow on her head!)
Also, it's a little hard to see on this scanned picture, but I love that she looks like she is going to put her thumb in her mouth!

Friday, November 5, 2010


ANNOUNCEMENT COMING SOON!.... But I literally haven't had time to up load pictures. Hope to have some time this weekend......

In the mean time, enjoy these little snap shots into these gems of conversations between Luke and I this week:

Conversation 1:

Let me set the mental picture for you. Picture Liz and Mom sitting at the table. I, the frazzled mom, am cleaning up the FULL cup of sticky coke that Luke just spilled. Luke has been banished back to his seat (no high chair, so he has freedom of movement and boy is he moving Up, down, out of his chair, in his chair...a WILD the picture...)

So, me in my frenzy, look straight at Luke from the sink and say in my "mom means business" voice say "LUKE! If you don't sit down in that chair, I' am going to whip your TAIL!"

Luke replies in his sweet little angel voice "But, But, I don't have a tail???"

Needless to say, Mom and Liz BUST a GUT laughing and I, in turn, start howling, too!

Conversation 2:

Later that same night after we had all calmed down, out of the blue it went like this:

Luke: Ears hear.
Me: Yes, they do! What do eyes do?
Luke: They see!
Me: What does your nose do?
Luke: It blows boogers out!!!

These are just a snippet of what comes out of this clowns mouth. I am loving his crazy little 3 year old self!!! Happy Friday!