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Friday, March 7, 2008

Does Luke ever Cry?

"Mommy, do something for me!!!""Oh, is that what I look like?"
"OK, well, maybe I will stop my fussing for now."
This post is for Traci as she posed this question tonight. She said she did not think that Luke ever cries. It took me a while, but I dug through my photos and found proof. These pictures are from this past August. He was really just fussing for no reason, so I pretended to cry too and as you can tell, he immediately stopped to see what was the matter with me. Yes, he has cried since then, but it truly is few and far between. The last time he cried was the three nights we were training him to go to sleep at 8:30pm about a month ago. So, here is proof , that yes, Luke does in fact cry.

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