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Saturday, January 12, 2008

Oink Oink!

After being at or below the 5th percentile for weight for almost 8 months, I am finally above the the 5th and out of the red. I actually gained 4 pounds in 6 weeks! I am now 17 pounds 3.5 ounces. I have finally gotten this whole eating thing and the only thing I really don't care for is the green peas. So far, I am eating baby applesauce, green beans, sweet potatoes, peaches, green peas (yuck), squash, bananas, rice cereal and oatmeal. When we went for the weight check our MD said that I could start having baby crackers and cheerios. Hey, Dave.....I can have cheerios now! Can you believe it? My mommy hasn't ventured into that territory yet, but I am sure that there will be pictures galore when we go down that road.

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