Happy Happy Birthday to my sweet little baby girl!

I simply cannot believe that a year has gone by! and I Cannot tell you how much joy you have brought to my heart and to the heart of our family! Everyone says this about their baby, but you, my dear, and the happiest baby in the entire history of babies! You have been such an "easy" baby! I can tell you that I have been much more laid back as a a mother this time around. I have been less neurotic about you hitting those "milestones" and less comparative to other kids your age. I remember stressing over every little thing when Luke was a baby, when to start cereal, when to start food, worrying that he wasn't talking enough, and the list went on and on. So, maybe it's just your personality or that I'm more laid back or most likely a combination of the two. But you, Baby Luce are such a joy! Before I forget and you are on to the next newest thing, I wanted to remember the details of you at ONE!
You love to kick you legs, when I pick you up, you kick your legs, when we lay you down in your crib, you kick your legs. Sometimes I can hear you in the middle of the night on the monitor kicking those chubby little legs..... maybe you will be the ballerina that I so was not!
You finally got four teeth, two on the top and two on the bottom, at a whopping 10 and a half months! And you have the biggest gap between the top two and your toothy grin just makes me smile!

You have been our sick child. This past year you have had RSV once and had 6-7 ear infections , which is why we have an appt. to see the ENT this coming monday. I am afraid tubes may be in your future :( It's hard to say whether this is just you being a little sickly, or the fact that you have an older sibling, or most likely because you are at school from 7:30am-12:30pm and have been exposed to every little germ imaginable. You are also one of those kids who have no symptoms of ear infections what so ever, no fever, no pulling of the ears, no fussiness, nothing, we would just go in for regular check ups and they would find them. They were always preceded by a cold, so when ever your little nose would start running, I knew an ear infection wouldn't be far behind.
You LOVE to eat big people food and are such a good eater. You will eat literally ANYthing we put in front of you, beans are one of your favorites, broccoli, bananas, chicken, potatoes, peaches, pasta, you name it. The only thing we haven't tried is fish, honey, and peanuts (although you have had a few pieces of chick fil a which is cooked in peanut oil). The only thing you have tried that you would not eat is your birthday cake! Haha. You stuck your hand in and started shaking it off. One taste and you gagged and spit it out. What is so funny is that Luke was the same way on his first birthday.

You are not walking yet, but you cruise around the furniture and will walk with us if we hold your hands. (Again, something I stressed about with Luke, but this time, I know it's NO big deal.)
You can say mama, apple, and baba for bottle, but your favorite things to say are "uh oh!" and dada! You are a combo of daddy's girl and momma's girl, you have gotten a touch of stranger anxiety, but for the most part you are ok with new people.

You are the BEST sleeper! We learned from last time to have you sleep in your own bed from the beginning and you have been sleeping through the night since about 2 months old. You sleep from 6:30pm to 6:30-7am every night, and you may or may not take a morning nap, but take a long afternoon nap from 1-3:30, sometimes longer. You usually want dinner around 5pm. We didn't train you on this schedule, you are, just like I said, perfect! ;)
You LOVE LOVE LOVE your brother. Your face lights up when you see him in the morning and Even when he has you pinned down, you are grinning from ear to ear. You are learning to hold your own in the toy department, but it's so funny to watch you two play because if he starts doing something you don't like or grab something from out of your hands you look straight to me and start whining as if you are saying "Mommy, fix it and make him stop!"

You wave to everyone, even strangers, you can blow kisses, you can give your baby a kiss on command, you love to clap, and you play peek a boo.

At your 12 month appt, you were 20 pounds 3 ounces and 29.5 cm long, putting you at the 25th percentile for weight, and the 75th percentile for height!

I think you have chosen your lovey and I MUST go to the store right away and get 2-3 more as "replacements." (We learned that one the hard way with Luke. There was and only will be ONE bear bear and I just hope that ratty old thing makes it. It's amazing where all he's been and I can't tell you how many times he's been lost, but he is safe and sound as we speak sleeping with Luke even as I type this post.) You now sleep with a pink blanket bunny lovey that we now call "Night Night Bunny."
It's late and I know there are more, but I want you to know, you are a BLESSING to our family and I'm so glad God chose me to be your mommy!