Luke is getting to be such a BIG boy and it shows, not only in his physical development (i.e., clothes/shoe size, running, JUMPING, skipping), but also in his psychological development. He has recently reached the "I [can] do it!" stage and when he says it, he means it. Don't even try to help until HE deems it necessary. It is so cute and marks yet another milestone in his little life. In the picture above: when he gets thirsty, he brings the gallon milk carton to us where ever we are saying "Heavy!" and "I drink, I drink!" Thankfully, he hasn't figured out how to open the top yet! :)

He has also become such a big helper! He likes to help load and unload the dish washer. He has his own special drawer where we keep all of his plates, bowls and sippy cups. He seems so pleased with himself to be able to put his things where they go, And it's just his height!

"I clean it!"

"I eat crackers!"
He also has his own cabinet where he can go to get his snacks. He usually gets whatever snack he wants, in this case cheeze-its, then goes to his special drawer to get a bowl, and then brings them both to us for a little "help" getting a hand full into his bowl.

"I get it or I clean!"
We are still working on this cleaning concept and MOST days he will clean up his toys without much fuss. I made up a silly "Clean Up" song that I sing and he says "Sing mommy!" and he will clean as long as I sing that song. We will see how long this lasts, but for now it works.

"I ready go!!!"
He has also started wanting to walk down the stairs by himself. It's still a little scary to me, but my only rule is that he HAS to hold onto the railing. He is also already a social butterfly! If he sees me putting on my make up or putting my purse on my shoulder, he runs over and says "Hold you! I ready go!" He LOVES to be ON-THE-GO!

"I water plants."

"I dress!"
Again, another skill we are starting to master, but it's still a work in progress. It's SO much fun to watch him try :)

And finally....."I DRIVE!"
Thanks to Papaw letting him 'drive' last weekend, this is ALL Luke wants to do when we leave or when we get home! As soon as we un-click the last latch on his car seat, he LEAPS out and climbs into the driver's seat to DRIVE! Anyone up for a joy ride???