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Friday, November 18, 2011

Our Little Indian!

SHBC had their annual Thanksgiving Program this morning! Luke has been singing the songs and quoting the poems for two weeks now! He loves to sing the songs, especially at night during bath time. Last year Luke was a Pilgrim, but this year he is four and he got to be an Indian...MUCH for fitting for him! :)

He did a GREAT job and was much more into it than he was last year. No stage fright in sight for him! Ha!

Great Grandmother Marion was there!

As well as, Great grandmother Betty and Great granddaddy Jack!

Mimi wouldn't miss it either!

Luke has already learned so much this year and his teacher, Miss Dana, has been WONDERFUL! She is the cutest, sweetest thing and Luke LOVES her!

It's little moments like these that make the everyday, extraordinary! We are so proud of our growing boy! Looking forward to Turkey Day!!!

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