GIRL!!!!!! Luke is getting a baby SISTER!!!! Needless to say, we are beyond excited! Luke had said all along that the baby was a girl, so it was no surprise to him. I, on the other hand, thought that it might be a girl because my pregnancy has been so different from Luke's, but at the same time just thought it would be another boy. Luke went to the ultrasound with us and was excited to see the baby on the "TV's." The only thing he was interested in was seeing her eyes, which as you can tell, we can't see all that great on the ultrasounds, but he was great. I was also relieved to hear that all of her organs, heart, liver, brain, etc. all look normal and she is healthy. We are truly blessed! I thank God every day for Luke and this little miracle growing inside me!
(saw this on a fellow blogger's site and couldn't resist putting a little bow on her head!)
Also, it's a little hard to see on this scanned picture, but I love that she looks like she is going to put her thumb in her mouth!
awww... we are so excited you are coming...ummm Dump Truck Payne, that is your name right? Don't worry, we'll call you something else when your big brother isn't around.
Can't wait to meet you, Love,
Aunt Christy
Must be...Dump. Truck. Ette! :-) Congratulations! I am so glad everything is so RIGHT!!
Hooray for a baby girl in the family! And so glad everything checked out well at the doctor! I just can't believe Luke was right for both you and me. He's a little psychic or something. :)
yay dump truck payne!
You need to ask Luke what we're having!!!
she looks like a beautiful girl! :-)
Im so excited for you Luke...I'm still not sure about the name yet. Mommy says she will be sweet!
congrats on your girl!!!! :)
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