Friday tipped off a crazy whirlwind of a weekend....
8-11:15am- I worked at Rotary and was super excited to get off a few minutes early!
11:30-12:30- ate a leisurely lunch by myself at the Atlanta Bread Company and got a had a nice chat with MMGK and talk to Liz who could literally have that baby at any moment (Things are happening and she has TOTALLY dropped!) I can hardly stand the wait!
12:30- pick Lukie up from school where they had a full day of fun Halloween festivities, complete with costumes, pizza, crafts and apparently a LOT of candy. Luke was bouncing off the walls!
12:45-2:00- nice long outing to Lavretta park to burn off some of Luke's sugar rush energy!
2:30-3:00- put back on the pumpkin suit to visit daddy at work! He was still wound up even after the park and we had to make a pretty quick visit. No sugar rush crash for this guy!
3:00-4:00- killing time at target to pick up a few last minute costume things for a Saturday night party!
4:00-4:30- met Jeremy at the Pumpkin patch to get our yearly "pumpkin patch" pictures. Luke ran around like a mad man yelling "PUMPKINS, PUMPKINS, PUMPKINS!" He did settle down long enough so we could get some decent pictures! He did NOT want to leave the patch. The only thing that got him away was the promise of carving the pumpkin as soon as we got home!
4:45-5:30- the carving of the Pumpkin began! Luke was a little interested at first but quickly lost interest. He want to make a "scary" pumpkin and I wanted a cute/happy one, so we compromised and made a smiling pumpkin with scary teeth!
5:30-6:30- I got ready for a bridal shower while the boys (mainly Jeremy) continued to carve.
6:30-11:00- Mom, Liz, and I went to a shower for our soon to be sister in law, Alan (Alan is the one between Liz and I and her sister, Louise is sitting next to me). It was such a great party and she got so many nice things! Man, I wish I had another one of those delicious brownie bites!
11:30pm-Crash in the bed! What a fun filled crazy day, and the fun doesn't end here. Saturday and Sunday are just as busy! More fun weekend festivities to come!