This was the site of the tragedy that occurred on June 9th 2009! A seemingly harmless toddler slide became a bone cracking machine this fateful Tuesday at 9:30 in the morning. Daddy left for work at 7:30 am and Mommy left for her orientation at the Infirmary at 9:15 am, leaving Mimi to take one, Luke Payne, to his second week of Mother's Day out. Mimi left her house at 9:30 am getting Luke to his class just in time for Room 104's playground time. Just about the time Mimi gets back home at approximately 9:45 am, the school is already calling "Mrs. Murphy, there has been an accident at school and you should come up here right away. We think Luke hurt his knee or his ankle." Mimi comes up to school and takes Luke home, where he is still upset and does not want to walk, but calms down enough to take a nap. After an hour nap, Luke still does not want to stand or put any weight on his right leg. Mimi contacts Doc and he in turn calls Dr. West who is made aware of the situation and tells Mimi to come to the office right away. After getting an x-ray, in Mimi's lap, the results are in: Luke has a non-displaced tibial fracture. What?...really?... and the cast goes on.... A blue bent leg cast b/c the doctor does not want any weight put on that leg. Said parents are still unaware of any of the unfolding events. Mommy was taking some computer orientation tests at employee services where cell phones are "strictly prohibited" and she had it on vibrate, so she could tell that someone was calling her, but couldn't stop to check it. She finally finished and while walking out to the car, checked her phone and was thinking "Oh, it was just Doc, probably wanting to go to lunch since I'm at the Infirmary where he works. Wow, he REALLY must want to go to lunch since he called so many times. Oh, here he is now (12:45pm)... Jessica, this is Dad. Everyone is fine, but there's been an accident....Her heart sank and she sat in silence. After Doc told the story, Said Mom (who takes after her mother and is quite stoic in emergency situations) went into a questioning frenzy trying to get the bottom of what happened... Where was he? Did he fall off the slide? Did he fall down the steps? Did he fall off the side of the slide? Was anything else hurt?" All of these still unanswered questions. Doc hung up and called the Daddy. Said Daddy (who takes after his father) upon hearing the news took off his glasses and cried like a baby. Both Mom and Dad headed straight to the house to see their baby! By the time the parents were made aware, Luke and Mimi were eating lunch at Chick-fil-a!
This was Lukie the day of the accident. He was pretty pitiful and just wanted to be held. How could this happen to our poor little baby!? He napped in Mimi's arms and went to sleep in his own bed, but slept with us from 3:30am on.
The day after the accident he was much more his old happy- go- lucky self, but he was still getting used to the idea of having this HUGE cast on his leg. He kept saying "Off Mommy. Down Mommy. Walk Mommy." How do you get a two year old to understand that he can't weight bear on his right leg? Thankfully, the doctor said that he CAN crawl, so he is able to get around somewhat.
We have been doing a lot of this.....watching Word World.
And a lot of this......playing with all of his toys that have been packed away since the move. He also does well in the car and in the stroller, so Mom and I have been shopping, shopping, shopping...Fairhope, Target, the grocery store, etc. We are even planning a road trip with Aunt Liz next week. All in all he has adjusted like a champ and I think we are more "hurt" by it than he is. We go back to the doctor in two weeks (6/23- Daddy's birthday) to hopefully get a walking cast and will be out of casts completely in July! Thanks for all of your prayers and words of encouragement.