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Sunday, December 14, 2008

Going away party....

Today at Grace Baptist (yes, we actually found a wonderful little Baptist church up in Chappaqua, NY, even though it took us months and months to find a church we liked), we had a going away party for the Halo's. It was pot luck and there are always so many new and fun dishes to try from other countries. The Halo's are the sweetest little Hungarian couple and have been with the church for years. Mrs. Halo was our pew buddy and sat next to us in church every week. Our little church is very multi-cultural and there is actually a very large Hungarian population  in the church We will miss the Halo's terribly and I hate that Luke was not smiling in the picture above, but this was toward the end of the day and he was needing a nap.
However, prior to the above picture, he stole the show in the other room. Luke LOVES other children and if he could be a big kid right now, he would. He runs and plays and TACKLES the big boys as if he were just as big as them and of course, they get a HUGE kick out of him!
Luke and the older boys played "run around the tables" chasing each other for a really long time. As you can tell, Luke was LOVING it!
Because Luke is so personable, you can tell that, even at 18 months, he really commands an audience. 
This is the nativity right outside the church.... Luke was so funny and kept pointing to baby Jesus's belly.

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