Lucy is now 5 weeks old and she gave me a little present last night....she slept from 12:15am to 5:15am--a FIVE hour stretch!!! When I rolled over and looked at the clock this morning and saw it had been five hours, I have to admit that I jumped up and ran over to the bassinet to make sure she was still breathing! It was SO refreshing to get that much sleep at one time!
Jeremy is working some overtime again this weekend, so me and the kids (it's still totally weird to be writing kids, plural- I have said this before and have got to get used to it sometime) are just hanging out. Luke has been AMAZINGLY relaxed and low key today, which is a nice change from his typically rowdy antics. Thankfully, she takes everything in stride and is even able to sleep when he is playing "cars" right next to her. We haven't been using the swing a lot, but she seems to be loving it today, as she has been sleeping away in it for almost two hours now.
Logging off for now and who knows when I will put up another post, as I am soaking up all of my maternity leave and am reminded of this quote on a picture in my mom's laundry room:
"Cleaning and scrubbing can wait till tomorrow.....for babies grow up we've learned to our quiet down cobwebs...dust go to sleep....I'm rocking my baby and babies don't keep!"